Huawei Gelar OptiX Club 2024, Tunjukan Inovasi Teknologi Industri

Huawei Gelar OptiX Club 2024, Tunjukan Inovasi Teknologi Industri

Huawei OptiX Club 2024: Membangun Fondasi Kecerdasan Industri dengan Teknologi Canggih

Meanwhile, Arki Rifazka, Head of Executing Board, the Indonesian Association of Internet Service Providers (APJII), remarked, “Huawei is always at the forefront of the fixed broadband technology development. Fiber-to-the-room (FTTR) represents one key breakthrough to cover broader connectivity. The accelerated bandwith by 100Mbbps is necessary to upgraded internet quality in Indonesia.”

Recently in April this year, Huawei has initiated OptiX Club member recruitment event worldwide. Since its first debut in 2020, the Optix Club has organized more than 200 events across 40 countries worldwide. OptiX Club then started to add membership events in 2024. By inviting optical industry vendors, users, researchers, and analysts from all over the world to join the events, Huawei hopes to see more exchanges on industry standards, development trends of optical communications and applications, commercial use, and challenges and opportunities faced by industry digital intelligence.

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In Indonesia, guided by the four commitment pillars under the name ‘Huawei I DO’ – consisting of I Do Care, I Do Collaborate, I Do Create, and I Do Contribute – Huawei Indonesia consistently organizes various programs with the purpose of enhancing the digital ecosystem through sharing its knowledge and technology to keep on making contributions and creating values to build a fully connected, 5G oriented, more intelligent, digital and green Indonesia. (*)

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